Community Home Visiting Program

Program Overview

The goal of the Community Home Visiting Program is to work with families to maximize the health, safety, and security of their baby; enhance the parent-child relationship; and link the families to community resources and additional supportive services as needed. Our staff provide personal visits, group connections, child screenings, and access to a resource network to families who live within service planning area seven of Los Angeles County.


Parents as Teachers Curriculum

The community home visiting program models the evidence-based Parents as Teachers (PAT) curriculum. PAT is an international early childhood parent education and family support program that promotes optimal early development, learning, and health of young children by supporting and engaging their parents and caregivers. PAT is considered an evidence-based program that focuses on building protective factors within the family. It is relationship-based with a curriculum centering on parent-child interaction, child development, and family well-being. Our parent educators support and strengthen protective factors by using the PAT approach of partnering, facilitating, and reflecting with families, thereby decreasing risk factors and promoting maternal-child wellbeing.

To learn more about the Parents as Teachers program, please visit

“This program taught me so many important ways to interact with my child, from shared reading to how to give infant massages to help relax my baby.”
Program Client

Contact Us

Human Services Association (HSA) is a private nonprofit agency whose principal mission is to provide families with compassionate and comprehensive care to promote wellness and build strong communities.

HSA Headquarters
Address: 6800 Florence Ave. Bell Gardens, CA 90201
Tel: (562) 806-5400
Fax: (562) 806-5394
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